Meet Us

The Company

Paladini is an Argentine company focused on the production and commercialization of cold cuts, processed cold meat, hamburgers, sausages and cheeses. It was founded in 1923 and since then it has shown an outstanding and sustained growth.

Paladini is a leader in Argentina. It employs 2,400 people and produces around 100,000 tons of products per year.

Rural Area

The company prioritizes vertical integration in its raw materials. Paladini's Rural Area is a product of this. It has two grain production centers, the development of balanced feeds and intensive porcine production. These investments place Paladini as the largest porcine producer in the country.

Porcine Production Centre I (Erin)

Opened in 1992, the "Erin" center currently has a total of 2000 ha and 50,000 m2 of facilities. With 4600 mothers and a total and permanent population of 53.000 pigs, a Balanced Feed Facility with a capacity of 32.000 tons of animal feed per year and a production of 104.000 pigs per year for slaughter, make a key link in the traceability, quality, production and generation of added value.

Porcine Production Center II (La Toma)

Opened in 2010, "La Toma" center complements the integration with 3000 ha and 70,000 m2 of facilities. With 5,000 mothers, a total and permanent population of 67,000 pigs, a balanced feed facility with a capacity of 42,000 tons of animal feed per year and a production of 130,000 pigs per year for slaughter; it is another key link in the company's value and quality chain

Porcine Production Center III (La Toma)

During the second half of 2013 and the first of 2014, the company is focused on the building and completion of its third center located in La Toma, San Luis province, a short distance from its second center. This investment consolidates the growth with 2,000 more mothers and the platform for its potential expansion in the following years.

Industrial Facilities

Paladini has 7 industrial facilities located on its main site in Villa Gobernador Galvez, as well as in the district of Arroyo Seco, in the province of Santa Fe. These are the Swine Slaughter and Dismembering Facility, Cattle Slaughter and Dismembering Facility, Processed Food Facility, Matured Products Facility (Las Gabris), R+D+I Pilot Facility, Meat Flour Facility and Effluent Treatment Facility.

Mock-up facility with technology and international standards. Important investment in installed capacity prioritizing quality and control of raw materials. It has 13.000 m2 covered where 220.000 animals and 25.000 tons of meat are processed per year, applying rigorous sanitary and quality controls and being certified under ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015. Ensuring integration, traceability and safety are key factors in food production.

Paladini has a 7,000 m2 covered Cattle Facility and a slaughter capacity of 100,000 heads per year. Its construction required a significant investment in infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment. The slaughtering and dismembering process is certified under ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015 and enabled for the export of beef cuts according to the most demanding international sanitary standards.

The facility has 20,000 m2 and produces and distributes 70,000 tons of products per year. It works with selected raw materials, traditional recipes, and produces daily boiled hams, mortadella, salamis, sausages, chorizos (pork sausages), among other products. It uses international high-tech equipment, with experienced and trained personnel. The processes and quality systems are certified under ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015.

The research, development and innovation of Paladini's current and future products are carried out in this facility. It has high quality and technological machinery and processes, and exclusive personnel.

The facility has 230 m2 and processes 5,000 tons of meat flour and inedible tallow. These by-products are destined as raw materials in other value chains and marketed to pet food producers, among others.

Opened in 1989, Paladini leads the way in the protection and care of the environment. The facility has 12 ha between its solid and liquid waste processing unit, its aerobic and its anaerobic lagoons. Its rigorous monitoring and water quality controls guarantee that the water returned to the Paraná River is cleaner than the river itself.